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Save A Life: Restart The Heart

Adult, Child, & Infant CPR/AED


Develop the skills and knowledge necessary to respond to breathing and cardiac emergencies to help save a life when seconds count!


It is necessary to know the skills for adults and kids, therefore our course covers the knowledge and skills for adult, child, and infant resuscitation techniques.


Contact us to schedule a private classes of 5 or more.

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Save A Life:
Control The Bleed


Participants will learn how to control severe arterial bleeding using commercial tourniquets or improvised methods, apply compression bandages, pack wounds, and treat chest injuries.


Contact us to schedule a private classes of 5 or more.

First Aid accident

Emergency First Aid Fundamentals


If you're ready to become your family's first responder in an emergency situation, like a car accident, serious fall, gunshot wound, or other medical emergencies, this First Aid/CPR course cannot be missed.  You will learn how to properly assess a patient and how to deal with significant issues such as venous and arterial bleeding, compromised airway, head, chest, and spinal injuries, broken bones, heart attacks, seizures, strokes, and more!  This course concludes with learning how to build your own First Aid/Trauma Kit.


Course textbook ($35 value) included with registration.


Contact us for group rates on private classes tailored to your needs.

Wilderness First Aid

Wilderness First Aid 


Most first aid courses are taught under the belief that emergency medical services are only minutes away.  This 16-hour course is designed for outdoor enthusiasts, scouts, scout leaders, or anyone who spends time in remote environments where professional emergency care or rapid transport may be unavailable or significantly delayed.


You have rendered immediate care, but now you realize that there is no ambulance or help coming, so what is next?  Focusing on prevention, assessment, and treatment of ill or injured persons in these environments, this course will give you the necessary knowledge & skills to confidently and effectively respond to these emergencies.


Contact us for group rates on private classes tailored to your needs.

Girl Scouts First Aid

First Aid Training for
Girl Scouts

From Daisy through Ambassador, we have a badge class designed to not only meet your Scout's First Aid Badge requirements, but to give your Scout essential life skills that could be relied upon should they come across a situation where first aid or CPR could provide comfort or even save a life!


Our adult learning courses can help you meet the basic First Aider requirements or even further, Wilderness First responder training for when your troop is participating in an activity where EMS could be delayed or not readily available.

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