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Wilderness First Aid


Most first aid courses are taught under the belief that emergency medical services are only minutes away.  This 16-hour course is designed for outdoor enthusiasts, scouts, scout leaders, or anyone who spends time in remote environments where professional emergency care or rapid transport may be unavailable or significantly delayed.


You have rendered immediate care, but now you realize that there is no ambulance or help coming, so what is next?  Focusing on prevention, assessment, and treatment of ill or injured persons in these environments, this course will give you the necessary knowledge & skills to confidently and effectively respond to these emergencies.


In this 16-hour course, you will learn everything covered in our Emergency First Aid Fundamentals course and much more!  Unlike that course, here, we will be covering the material under the assumption that there is no professional emergency medical service readily available to provide immediate aid.  The assumption will be that you may be required to provide extended care to persons and unable to simply dial 911.


Additional material and emphasis will be provided on outdoor conditions and injuries, including the field expedients that may be necessary in a remote environment.  As an example, where routine first aid will teach you to only manually stabilize a suspected spinal injury and wait for the ambulance, here you will use field expedients to spinally immobilize a patient to package them for safe transport by hand carry.


This course will be held in a classroom setting and also an outdoor environment, students should come dressed and prepared for the weather conditions present that specific day.  Students who successfully complete the course will be issued a two-year certification in Wilderness First Aid.


This course is currently being offered on demand only, meaning that you must contact us to schedule a class.  We hope to begin routine course offerings in the near future,

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